By Parker and Aaliyah, To start the day off, we met with Scott Warren, who was the subject of a documentary we studied before coming to Southern Arizona. We asked many questions about the current and past border situation, talking a lot about the humanitarian aid provided to immigrants and how the environment had been negatively affected by the construction of the wall. To start, we learned about the great amount of water pumped from the nearby environment and how it negatively affected its surroundings. Additionally, we talked about how the wall prevented the migration of not only animals, but also humans, who have migrated for thousands of years to meet their needs. Next, we were lucky enough to enjoy a delicious brunch at the inn, having the luxury of trying Mimi's famous potatoes. Continuing to enjoy the company of Scott Warren, we devoured our flamboyant brunches, finishing every crumb on our plates. After brunch, many filming groups were grateful to be able to conduct an int...
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